Our dental Team
Emile Dom, Drs.
Emile Dom, Drs.
Graduated VU (1984)
BIG: 99020666602
KvK: 34341226
(also for Implantology)
Lawrence Dom, MSc.
Lawrence Dom, MSc.
ACTA Graduate (2014)
BIG: 29919030002
KvK: 61403822
Amanda Scholtes-Dom, MSc.
A.M. Scholtes-Dom, MSc.
ACTA graduate (2015)
BIG: 79919549202
KvK: 63174952
Daan Murck, Msc.
Daan Murck, MSc.
Flora van der Brugge, BHSc.
Flora van der Brugge, BHSc.
Dental Hygienist
Jennifer Tahloe, BHSc.
Jennifer Tahloe, BHSc.
Dental Hygienist
Meike van der Wiel, BHSc.
Meike van der Wiel, BHSc.
Dental Hygienist
Dixy de Wilde, BHSc.
Dixy de Wilde, BHSc., BHSc
Dental Hygienist
Daisy, Clinic Manager
Daisy, Clinic Manager
Clinic Manager
Charlotte, Prevention-/Dental Assistant
Charlotte, Prevention-/Dental Assistant
Prevention-/Dental Assistant
Lee, paro-prevention assistant
Lee, Paro-prevention assistant
Paro-prevention assistant
Romy, Prevention assistant
Romy, Prevention assistant
Prevention assistant
Maxime, Assistant
Maxime, Assistant
Sophia, Assistant
Sophia, Assistant
Levi, Assistant
Levi, Assistant
Cassandra, Assistant
Cassandra, Assistant
Certified Dentists
All dentists working at Dom Tandartsen are BIG-registered, member of the KNMT (Royal Dutch Society for the Promotion of Dentistry) and registered with the KRT (Quality Register Dentistry). You are always in good hands.
Experienced dentists
Our dentists are educated in Amsterdam. Through experience, further training and consultation we keep our knowledge up to date. We advise and inform you about possible treatments, where patients always come first. Our assistants also follow regular training courses, at Dom Tandartsen we work according to the latest hygiene and sterilization guidelines. We would like to introduce you to our team.